The highly anticipated UK Independent Agencies’ Conference 2023 is set to make a comeback this year on Thursday, September 21st. The conference, taking place at the esteemed Curzon Soho in London, promises delegates a half-day event filled with insightful discussions and networking opportunities. The theme for this year’s conference is “Champions in the Independent Agency World.”

In a collaborative effort to strengthen the independent marketing and communications agency industry in the UK, the Alliance of Independent Agencies and Pimento are joining forces once again. Building on the success of the inaugural event, this year’s conference aims to focus on the key pillars of people, purpose, and performance, showcasing how these champions drive growth, profitability, and excellence within the industry.

Attendees can look forward to an enriching experience brimming with insights, inspiration, and opportunities for meaningful connections. The conference boasts an impressive lineup of industry-leading speakers who will share their knowledge, experiences, and perspectives, providing valuable guidance to the attendees. Additionally, ample networking opportunities will be available, enabling participants to interact with peers, fostering collaboration and relationship-building.

“We are delighted to partner with the Alliance once again for the UK Independent Agencies’ Conference,” said Stephen Knight, Founder & CEO of Pimento. “This event serves as a platform to celebrate the exceptional work of independent agencies and recognize their invaluable contributions to the marketing industry. We have curated a thought-provoking lineup of speakers who will shed light on the critical role played by these champions in driving growth, profitability, and excellence. We encourage all industry professionals to join us for what promises to be an insightful and inspiring event.”

Early bird tickets for the conference are now available for purchase until June 30th. However, due to limited availability, interested individuals are urged to act swiftly to secure their place at this highly anticipated event. For the latest updates and information regarding the conference, please visit the official website at

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